Vibrational medicine & support for your Ascension
It is essential that we pay attention and act to eliminate our accumulated toxic residues of the old third dimensional existence to make way for the new way of being, new structures, new functionality.
This is all levels, and all aspects of your being.
The energetic changes are raising the rate of vibration of the planet at such a pace, we have to make effort to keep up. If we stagnate, or get blocked its gonna hurt. Our bodies will generate hurt to draw our attention to issues that require sorting.
One major thing to remember through all these trials and tribulations is that illness and pain are a manifest illusion. Fix the issue and the symptoms can disappear.
Our consciouness is being altered, raised to a higher appreciation of virtues and values, truth and integrity.
Anything that does not vibrate to this new level of consciousness is going to draw your attention to it, to work on it, to clear it.
Wether, for example, that be a toxin ingested long ago now manifesting in the physical body, or a negative thought form or way of being programmed in from a conditioned upbringing. Or trapped grief or anger from many lifetimes, many, many layers require to be investigated and undone.
In order to simplify this task of many lifetimes we will break it down into separate sections: